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CBD For Sleep In Elderly: Effective, or Not?

Dale blog imageAuthor: Dale Hewett
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Let’s take some time today to talk about CBD for sleep in elderly populations. Struggling to get a good night’s rest is common throughout life; whether it is routine stress or a sleep disorder, many people across the U.S struggle with it. Inducing sleep with prescribed drugs is standard, while it is also something that many try to avoid.

While many people know about CBD for things like chronic pain relief, it is fast becoming known as an excellent compound to aid sleep in the elderly.

We will dive straight into the world of sleep disorders in older adults and how CBD can be used to combat those sleep woes.

CBD For Sleep in Elderly Customer Bases

Finding the perfect sleep supplement is like finding bliss. It can be hard to find the right product that works perfectly for you without leaving you feeling groggy and out of it the following day; conventional drugs that doctors prescribe carry a risk of addiction and can leave you feeling worse for wear even if they have helped you begin falling asleep easier.

What if there was an alternative to help senior patients fall asleep and stay asleep for the perfect amount of time?\

It sure would make life a lot easier to manage. That is where CBD comes in. According to the National Sleep Foundation, CBD may significantly impact combating sleeplessness at its core.

Saying Goodbye to Poor Sleep

When it comes to finding relief from sleep disorders, it can be utterly blissful when you find the right balance. Sleep issues can often stem from more than just a lack of sleep, and problems can arise when the quality of sleep is diminished or when the quantity is not enough or frequent enough.

As we age, these issues can become more pronounced or feel like they have developed seemingly out of nowhere.

elderly man looking out at the ocean

Sleep patterns naturally change throughout life; late morning lie-ins may become early morning risings as you age. This is something that many elders face, and a poor night’s rest can be a recipe for disaster. It is vital to find a solution that works to get the most out of your rest.

Poor Sleep Side Effects

The side effects of a bad night’s sleep radiate for days and can have a dire impact on your life; if not addressed, you could be facing many potential side effects such as:

  • Poor mood
  • Slow healing
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty functioning
  • Cognitive decline

These are all very worrying conditions no matter your age; however, they can be even worse as a senior. You must look after your health starting with the basics such as proper sleep and managing other conditions that hinder that.

The Basics of CBD as a Sleep Aid For Seniors

CBD for seniors does the same thing it does for other age groups.

CBD is made from the Cannabis Sativa plant (hemp), well known for its sleep-inducing effects. It can help relax you and allow you to fall asleep without any nasty side effects. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system that is found in the human body.

The ECS works much in the same way that the central nervous system does. It helps regulate pain, mood, and appetite by sending messages from the body to the brain.

Endocannabinoid System Receptors

The CB1 and CB2 receptors interact with the CBD compound to produce beneficial health improvements without the risk that over-the-counter medication and other prescription drugs carry. Making CBD a relatively safe treatment for sleep disorders. This is the number one reason CBD use has skyrocketed in the last few years.

What Causes Sleepless Nights and Insomnia?

This is an important question to cover when combatting sleepless evenings. While for some, drinking excessive caffeine can cause sleep, it can be a result of chronic insomnia, anxiety, or any other ailment that can lead to broken and restless sleep.

stress relief

It is essential to look at the root cause of sleeplessness and insomnia. While getting sleep is excellent, treating insomnia caused by other conditions starts with treating each of those ailments.

CBD has a long history of providing relief to more than just the symptoms of other conditions but helps treat insomnia caused by them.

Finding the Best CBD for Older Adults

Now that we have taken a look at the various ways in which CBD can offer relief, it is down to finding the best CBD product for senior sleep problems. A few different forms of CBD can alleviate ailments and help elders sleep longer and better.


If chronic pain from arthritis or an old injury keeps you awake at night, topical CBD is one of the best ways to combat that.

Topical CBD balmsĀ contain just the right amount of CBD, other carrier oils, and soothing essential oils. The topical balms are perfect for anyone that needs targeted relief from pain before attempting to get a night’s rest.

While topical solutions won’t help with falling asleep or helping you stay in dreamland for long periods, they will help soothe pain and inflamed joints, allowing you to sleep in a relaxed and pain-free state. Studies have shown that CBD offers excellent anti-inflammatory properties and helps combat pain at the source while stimulating cellular regeneration.

CBD Oil for Sleep In Elderly

There are a few different types of oral CBD products on the market. Tinctures are a popular choice as they are the most well-known.

However, CBD capsules and CBD gummies are fast becoming popular. Many users report that these oral delivery methods release CBD slowly, leading to a long night’s rest with less likely hood of waking up or restless sleep.

Tinctures can be fast-acting and offer immediate relief to anyone seeking a good night’s sleep; if appropriately used, this form of CBD oil for sleep can help you relax and get comfortable enough to fall asleep naturally for longer.

Top CBD Products for Older Adults To Aid Sleep

Now, let’s look at the different CBD oil product options as an aid to sleep in elderly patients that are readily available on the market. While your sleep requirements remain constant throughout life, sometimes a little help is required to get you comfortable and ready for a good night’s rest.

For Moderate to Severe Insomnia

Try the following items if you are experiencing really bad night time issues that prevent you from sleeping.

CBD Oil for Sleep Tincture

Infused with melatonin and premium organic cannabidiol (CBD), the sleep tincture is perfect for sleepless nights. Melatonin has been proven to improve sleep quality and help combat even the most severe cases of insomnia, especially when used with CBD.

If you haven’t experienced CBD and melatonin yet, well, you’re in for a pleasant surprise.

The Sleep tincture is ideal for elders with mild to moderately serious insomnia. It is formulated to be a fast-acting tincture that you can feel within 15 – 20 minutes. Made with broad-spectrum CBD oil and natural melatonin, this product is the perfect way to improve your quality of sleep and sleep habits.

CBD Gummies for Sleep

CBD gummies for sleep

For those that prefer something a little tastier, CBD and melatonin-infused gummies are the perfect formulae for those that want a tailored dosage every time. It works within 30-40 minutes and contains the ideal mixture of premium CBD and melatonin in one tasty gummy.

CBD gummies for sleep might not work as quickly as the oil version, but it still works great.

For Mild Cases of Sleepless Nights

Pure CBD Oil Tincture

pure CBD oil drops

Available as both a broad spectrum and full-spectrum CBD tincture – this product helps by offering a full range of support for conditions ranging from pain management to anxiety. It offers exactly what CBD promises, natural relief from mild insomnia, even in low doses.

CBD oils effectively reduce anxiety levels and help induce peaceful sleep within 15 – 30 minutes of taking it. It is beneficial for those who find falling asleep difficult or have difficulty waking up. It is best for those that suffer from mild sleep disorders and occasional restless nights. It is not the ideal solution for those with harder-to-manage conditions.

Pure CBD Gummies

CBD gummies for nerve pain

Tasty and functional is one of the best ways to describe this delicious supplement. It works just like the tincture, only it can take a little longer to feel the effects. Pure CBD gummies are easy to take and offer the perfect dose every time.

If you are not concerned with how fast CBD works to combat sleep, this is the solution you need as it offers you the chance to sit in bed with a good book while it begins to work its magic to induce a natural and good quality night’s sleep within 40 minutes, or so, of taking it.

Topical Pain Relief

If your sleep issues are cause by something like joint pain, or muscular aches, try a topical approach.

Soothe Topical CBD infused Pain Management/Relief Balm

For insomnia caused by chronic aches and pains in the joints or muscles, topical balm might be the perfect solution as it offers the user a chance to get a night’s rest pain-free and in comfort. The NPB soothe balm works in 10 – 15 minutes and offers on-the-spot relief of backache, joint pain, and many other painful ailments.

It might not help with sleep disorders that result from mental health conditions or general insomnia, it does help with sleep problems that result from certain painful medical conditions. Let’s face it, seniors get arthritis, and this balm will do wonders for your achy joints.

At New Phase Blends, we believe in quality products; each of our products is tested by a third party lab to ensure that you are always informed of what you are putting in your body. This is particularly important for seniors. It means that they will get the most out of each product and find the relief needed to get the best night’s sleep possible.

Frequently Asked Questions CBD for The Elderly

The most frequently asked questions on how CBD may be good for the elderly and any sleep problems they might be facing.

Are There Health Benefits to Taking CBD for Seniors?

Absolutely. There is a wide range of benefits to taking CBD daily, aside from getting good sleep and combating REM sleep behavior disorder at the core. CBD may help feelings of anxiety, manage post-traumatic stress disorder, and offer relief from chronic pain and inflammation treatment.

The range of conditions that you can treat with CBD is vast and encompasses several different conditions that may impact the quality of sleep. This means that you benefit from a good night’s sleep in solving something that might seem unrelated!

Is CBD Safe for Elders?

YES! CBD is absolutely safe for elders. It works much the same way in anyone else. As the perfect dosage varies from person to person, it is vital to remember that it will be the golden rule for elders. Finding the ideal dosage is key to successfully using CBD.

Another critical factor that applies to older adults and anyone using CBD. Before getting started on your healing journey, it is vital to check in with a qualified medical practitioner or professional for advice on whether it is safe

older adult that took CBD oil

It is crucial to check whether it is contraindicated with current prescription medications. It is also essential to consider that many cannabidiol extracts sold online are not what they claim to be. Hence, it is vital to ensure that it is lab-tested by a reputable laboratory. This will minimize risks to safety and side effects that might be unwanted.

CBD isn’t bad for seniors, or any other age group for that matter. The World Health Organization even deemed cannabidiol safe for use. Just make sure you’re purchasing real CBD from a trusted organization.

How Does CBD Work For Seniors?

CBD affects the elderly much in the same ways it affects any other age group. For most people, young and old, it offers them a chance at living life free of chronic pain, anxiety, and sleepless nights. Depending on why the person is using CBD products, it will have a different effect on everyone.

CBD is an entirely natural supplement that can genuinely offer anyone much-needed relief from its potential health benefits for your health and wellness, including its ability to improve the general quality of life by improving sleep quality.

How Much CBD Oil Should a Senior Take?

Figuring out how much CBD you need is simple. In fact, research suggests that less is more with CBD products. You don’t need excessive amounts of CBD to get a good night’s sleep. How many CBD gummies you should take, or how much CBD oil, isn’t hard to figure out.

It is not like scheduled medications they prescribe in medical settings; no precisely recorded amount works for everyone. As your unique body composition and chemical makeup are individual to your needs, your daily dose of CBD will be the same.

When starting, seniors should take 1ml of CBD oil, or one gummy/capsule, adjusting the amount to the perfect level until optimum results are achieved.

Is CBD Legal?

This is an excellent question that many seniors might ask. There is often a stigma around any products associated with the cannabis plant (both the marijuana and hemp plants contain CBD). Hemp-derived CBD products are completely legal, thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018. It is important to remember that hemp-derived CBD products do not contain THC and psychoactive compounds. Therefore removing the stigma attached to taking CBD.

There are some legal requirements for CBD to be completely legal – it needs to contain less than 0.3% THC and have no psychoactive effects. Another thing to note is that while it is legal, the food and drug administration has not approved nonprescription CBD products yet.

This is why it is vital to seek out a reputable CBD brand.

Does Medicare Cover CBD?

No, Medicare does not cover CBD products. However, that could very well change in the near future, as CBD and cannabis rules/regulations continue to change.

A Good Night’s Rest With CBD for Elders

Now that you know you can safely use CBD, treat insomnia and get a few added benefits as a senior, what are you waiting for? At New Phase Blends, we are happy to help guide our customers to the best solutions for them; we have a wide selection of products focused on sleep and improving the general quality of life for everyone.

If you or a loved one is suffering from sleepless nights, why not try CBD oil to get your sleep kickstarted. (if one of our products fails to give you the promised benefits within 30 days, we will refund you) While clinical trials are still needed, there is a growing body of evidence that CBD may be the solution your elderly loved ones need to get the best night’s sleep.


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When it comes to understanding both the science and benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), it is extremely important that you can trust the source of your information. This is exactly why our team at New Phase Blends includes experts in the field of cannabinoid research and development, including frequent correspondence with certified medical professionals and PhDs in relevant fields via studies, research, and additional peer reviewed pieces of information. All information published is reviewed and checked for accuracy. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with the latest scientific research and clinical studies related to not only CBD, but also its effects on the human body.

Our website also includes an About Us page, where you can learn more about our team, mission, and commitment to providing accurate, reliable information about CBD. Users can access this from the header menu at the top of the screen. Additionally, all of our products are third-party lab tested for quality and purity, and we make the results of these tests easily accessible to our customers.

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About the Author - CBD Expert Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett Author
Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett is the owner and founder of New Phase Blends. He discovered his passion for CBD use after suffering from injuries sustained while on Active Duty in the US Army. His number one priority is introducing the same CBD products that he himself uses for relief to others who can benefit from them.

Dale holds a Master Degree of Science, and is the inventor of the popular, CBD-based sleep aid known as ‘Sleep.’ He’s given multiple lectures on CBD to institutions such as Cornell’s MBA student program, and Wharton’s School of Business.

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