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Best Time of Day to Take CBD Oil

Dale blog imageAuthor: Dale Hewett
best time of day to take CBD
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If you are new to CBD products, you might be wondering what the best time of day to take CBD oil is. There really is no right answer here, because everyone uses CBD for different reasons. For example, the time of day you would take CBD for anxiety would differ from what time of day you would take CBD for sleep issues.

Some people also get worried about CBD and making you sleepy, so they think you should only consume CBD at night. This isn’t entirely accurate.

In today’s article, we’ll look at the best time to use CBD for your personal needs.

TL;DR – The best time of day to take CBD oil products depends on what you are trying to treat, and what type of product you’re using. You can take CBD throughout the day to manage chronic pain, or you can simply take it as you feel pain, anxiety, or need help sleeping. There is no real right answer here.

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What is the Best Time of Day to Take CBD Oil?

The right time to consume CBD oil all depends on why you’re taking it. Let’s start by addressing what’s called a reactionary measure. Reactionary measures are just another term for using something as a reaction to something else.

Discover: CBD Oil Nordic Oil

For example, if you play a lot of tennis, and maybe you twisted your ankle, or knee, and it began to hurt. As a reactionary measure, you would use the CBD capsules right after the twist occurred and the pain started.

Makes sense, right?

If you are using CBD as a reactionary measure, there really is not a ‘right time’ for use. Your CBD use will all depend on if you experience an injury.

You would simply use some CBD topical balm, or maybe some 1000mg CBD drops to help get pain relief ASAP. The other means of using CBD is as a preventative measure. What’s this, you ask?

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A preventative measure is just doing something to prevent something else from happening in the first place.

best time to take CBD oil 1

For example, if you know you have arthritis pain in your knuckles, you would use it every few hours to prevent that pain from coming up. You know that you are experiencing arthritic pain, you just want to prevent that pain from happening.

Now you see why there really is no ‘perfect time’ to take CBD oil. It all depends on your issues. Also, keep in mind that people use CBD in different ways. Not everyone has the same preferences.

Using CBD for Prevention

Related: How to Use CBD Oil

If you’re trying to prevent nagging, chronic pain you should consider taking CBD in small to moderate amounts, frequently (every few hours).

Try taking some shortly after waking up, and take more throughout the day. If you are experiencing joint pain, like arthritis look into taking CBD topical products, too.

Topical CBD Products for Sale by New Phase Blends

These types of CBD products are meant to be applied directly on the skin. They can penetrate the skin and help offer local relief in the area that hurts.

Our Endocannabinoid System contains receptors that CBD indirectly regulates when applied topically.

Related: Does CBD Oil Work For Arthritis?

There really is no ‘perfect time’ to take it when you take it as a prevention. The right time would be throughout the day, if you had to put a label on it.

When to Apply CBD as a Reaction

Now, if you’re taking CBD as a reaction to an injury, or something similar, the right time to take CBD oil would be as soon as possible after the event happened that requires relief.

Discover: CBD for Pain

For example, if you are experiencing redness or swelling somewhere, once you notice this, take some CBD oil. Things like CBD drops work quickly, and are best for this scenario.

Place the drops under your tongue, and wait for them to kick in. How much CBD oil you need is largely dependent on your body, your symptoms, and and just how bad your symptoms are.

The most popular type of CBD drops are normally a 1000mg strength that comes in a 30mL tincture. One serving (1mL) will provide your body with about 33mg of CBD to use as a therapeutic.

Buy Now: CBD Balm by New Phase Blends

If you aren’t a fan of the CBD drops, you can use softgels, pills, or gummies, too!

When is the Best Time of Day to Take CBD Oil For Anxiety?

Related: Taking CBD Oil for Anxiety

There are two major forms of anxiety most people deal with: general anxiety that occurs throughout the day, and a full blown panic attack.

For those who suffer from generalized anxiety, the best time of day to take CBD oil would be throughout the day. Consider using it in the AM, and perhaps another dose of CBD oil in the afternoon or PM.

When suffering from a panic attack, or anxiety attack, use CBD drops under your tongue, as needed. Taking this form of CBD ensures that it kicks in quickly. This is best for helping calm you down during a panic attack.

Related: How Much CBD Oil Should I Take For Anxiety?

What Time At Night Should I Take CBD Oil for Sleep?

CBD for Sleep by New Phase Blends

If you are using the New Phase Blends patent-pending CBD oil for sleep, you should use this about 30 mins to one hour before your intended bed time. Place one serving under your tongue, and laydown in bed.