In order to answer the question of how long does it take for CBD oil to work, we must know two things:
- What is CBD?
- What factors affect the timing of CBD release in the body?
Studies show that CBD can enter the bloodstream between two minutes and one hour. How fast CBD works depends, largely, on which type of product you are using. After this, factors such as serving strength (how many mg of CBD), quality, and spectrum type (broad or full spectrum) can affect how long it takes for CBD oil products to work.
Let’s go ahead and get into how long it can take for CBD to work for you.
Understanding Cannabidiol (CBD) and CBD Oil
Full article: What is CBD?
CBD is one of more than 120 naturally occurring cannabinoids found in cannabis sativa L. CBD formulations tested in pre-clinical studies show diverse medicinal properties, such as:
- anti-nausea
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-depressant
- anti-anxiolytic
Knowledge of the properties of cannabis dates back to at least 4000 B.C. All of the different varieties of cannabis, including cannabis indica, belong to the same species. All cannabis sativa plants produce active cannabinoids, which is what CBD is. However, each variety produces these compounds in different concentrations and proportions.
These not only depend on gene background, but also on growing conditions and climate. The hemp extract used to make CBD products is a fat-based substance.
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How Long For CBD to Work? Getting CBD into the Bloodstream
The method in which you consume CBD will affect the amount that enters the blood stream. Eating CBD will only allow a small fraction of it to enter your bloodstream by way of your digestive system.
- Edible – 10-20% Efficiency. Edibles can be advantageous for several reasons. A wide availability of pharmaceutical-grade compounds, standardized doses and simplicity draw people towards them. The downsides are that absorption is slow and erratic. Maximum concentrations typically occur within 60-120 minutes.
- Topical – 10-20% Efficiency. Topical administration delivers drugs through placing substances directly onto the skin. Doing so allows a steady amount of a drug to be delivered over a period of time. This makes it ideal for localized pain relief. It avoids first pass metabolism. CBD has a hard time penetrating the skin’s water barrier. This requires a relatively strong formulation.
- Transmucosal/Sublingual – 34-36% Efficiency. This method has several advantages. The sublingual vein is covered by a thin mucosa that is very vascular. This means that a drug can be transferred quickly through the cell layer under your tongue. After this, it gets directly into your blood circulation. This also avoids first pass metabolism.
Check out this video that discusses the different ways you can take CBD oil products, which will affect how long it takes CBD to work for you.
Discover: How CBD Works in the Body
How Long For CBD Gummies to Work?
Considering CBD edibles? It may take some time to determine how much or little works for you, because of this effect. This doesn’t mean that CBD edibles are bad, or should be avoided.
Everyone has different preferences for how they supplement with certain things. Just keep this in mind when taking items like CBD pills, beverages, or gummies.
Discover: CBD Gummies for Anxiety
How Fast Does CBD Oil Work? It Depends on Your Dosage
The dosage and potency of your CBD product is as important as how you take CBD when trying to figure out how fast CBD kicks in. Basically, after your CBD gets to where it’s going (bloodstream), will there be enough to feel any different?
Related: How Much CBD Oil Should I Take For Anxiety?
This is what you need to keep in mind when using any supplements – not just CBD.
The research on what makes up an effective dosage is all over the place. For this reason, it’s important to really pay attention to how your body responds when taking CBD. Most avid CBD users have gone through the trial and error of using CBD.
Bottom line, finding the ideal dosage will depend on the users unique physiology. Personally, I think 25 mg a is a great daily serving to start with. However, some people take more, and some take less to feel the effects.
First time users should start with the recommended dosage by looking at the supplement facts panel on their CBD product. Use this amount, and adjust as needed. Always start with the least amount needed to get relief. Work your way up from there, if need be.
How Long Does it Take CBD To Work On Pain?
CBD may effectively treat both forms of pain. How long does CBD take to work for treating these types of pain? Sublingual drops used to treat inflammatory issues can act within a matter of 10 minutes (sometimes even quicker). Edible CBD can take longer – roughly 30 minutes or more.
Related: CBD Gummies for Pain
Pain and inflammation are the body’s way of responding to tissue injury, infection and genetic changes. There are two types of pain: acute pain and chronic pain.
Acute pain is normally local, and present in the form of a very specific, pin-point type of pain. For example, when you stub your toe on something, you are experiencing acute pain.
Related: Hemp Balm With CBD
Chronic pain is a pain that lingers over time (often long periods of time). Have your ever had surgery? The lingering aches and pains throughout the years following the surgery is chronic pain.
What If CBD Doesn’t Work For Me?
If your CBD oil doesn’t work, chances are you bought a fake, or very poor quality CBD products. While it is possible that cannabidiol (CBD) may not work for you, a vast majority of the time your CBD oil does nothing it is because the product actually has no CBD in it.
For example, did you know that if you buy CBD oil on amazon, the products actually have zero CBD in them? It is against Amazon’s terms to sell cannabidiol, so all of these companies are selling hemp seed oil as fake CBD oil. Hemp seed oil contains zero CBD in it.
I can’t tell you how many times customers called us to report their CBD product they bought off Amazon didn’t work. No one seems to realize this common scam.
You can avoid this by only buying third party tested products.
If you know, without a doubt, your CBD oil is real, and it still doesn’t work, you may be one of the few that CBD doesn’t seem to help.
Related: How Long Does CBD Oil Stay in Your System?
Summary – How Long Does CBD Take to Kick In?
Hopefully you got some benefit out of the information in this article. We pride ourselves in trying to educate others as much as possible. This way, people can make informed decisions when using and buying CBD products.
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“How long does CBD take to work?” Again, there really is no specific answer to this question. Typically, it depends on the user and method of consumption.
Typically, sublingual CBD drops take effect faster than edible CBD products like drinks or gummies. That said, everyone has their own preference for how they like to supplement with CBD products.
Experiment for yourself, and see how it works for you. Remember to make sure that you choose a quality CBD company, and premium CBD items. This can save you a lot of headache in the future. Look for things such as:
- product certifications (GMP, organic, non-GMO)
- money-back guarantees
- real, positive reviews and references
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