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Does CBD Make You Hungry?

Dale blog imageAuthor: Dale Hewett
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Many people mistakenly think that since THC makes you hungry, CBD will make you hungry, too. So, will using CBD make you hungry? Does CBD give you the munchies? No. This is not even remotely true. Using CBD products, like CBD oil, will not make you hungry – directly. Sure, if the CBD helps cure your nausea, it will allow you to eat more, but it can’t cause you to just become hungry and have the munchies.

In this article, we explain all you need to know about CBD and hunger levels.

Does CBD Make You Hungry?

CBD does not directly make you hungry, but it can increase your appetite a little. Forbes magazine published an article that referenced some studies about the relationship between CBD and appetites. It turns out CBD oil can improve your appetite by decreasing things, like nausea, that could otherwise alter a healthy appetite.

CBD has many medical benefits that help relief different symptoms of discomfort in people. It lessens nausea symptoms, helps reduce anxiety, and improves your digestive system.

Think about it.

Do you feel like eating when you are experiencing any of these symptoms? No, therefore, after taking CBD products, like CBD oil, it might help your appetite to return. But does this prove that CBD makes you hungry?

Not really.

Children and adults who require medication for certain illnesses (cancer, depression, epilepsy, etc….), or individuals who must undergo chemotherapy are prescribed CBD oil with a good amount of THC in them – approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These illnesses can make you lose weight.

In many of these illnesses, appetites become waned, and people begin to lose weight, quickly.

When prescribed higher doses of THC in CBD oil, it has been proven to increase appetites, to encourage weight gain to counter balance the weight loss.

We’ll get more into the endocannabinoid system later on, because it’s an important system in our bodies that can interact with cannabinoids, like THC and CBD.

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Science states that THC is believed to increase a hormone that makes you feel hungry, even when you are not. This raises the question, does CBD make you hungry?

Well, the answer is surprisingly no, and its’ a little complicated.

CBD and THC Hunger Differences

The National Institute of Health study on hunger differences between CBD and THC has found that THC raised insulin levels, like ghrelin, that increases your appetite, thus making you feel hungry. In other words, increased hunger is one of the more common expressed side effects of THC, not CBD.

cbd vs thc

Additional studies did not find the same reaction when individuals use CBD oil.

This implies that CBD does not make you hungry. Don’t be concerned that using CBD could make you unreasonably hungry and gain weight.

Take comfort in knowing that clinical trials involving many CBD users revealed that you can successfully enjoy using this cannabinoid without the need to suddenly buy larger sized clothing or experiencing the urge to go to the fridge late at night.

Interesting fact: CBD is completely non-intoxicating, unlike THC. It cannot make you high, as long as it comes from the hemp plant.

CB1 and CB2 Receptors May Affect Hunger

Remember the endocannabinoid system mention from earlier? Well, let’s move on to that topic now.

The endocannabinoid system is a recently discovered system that all mammals have. The cool thing about it is, it processes cannabinoids (like CBD) in order to achieve certain health benefits for the body via cannabinoid receptors.

Natural cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in the body are vital in helping the human body function properly. They regulate brain activities like pain, sleep, emotions, appetite and more. These cannabinoid receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system.

Endocannabinoid System Receptors

CB1 and CB2 receptors are vital in how the brain emits hormones that affect the body’s immune system to combat illnesses. Using CBD are just one of the many ways that helps the whole body whether medically prescribed or used over the counter.

The CB1 receptors are a part of the nervous system. When cannabinoids are introduced into the body, this quickly activates the endocannabinoid system.

CB2 receptors are proteins that are an active part of the body’s immune system. Using CBD could trigger even more receptors we have, but haven’t discovered yet.

THC and CBD are quite different in their hemp plant makeup. CBD and its interaction to CB1 receptors is quite different from how THC does. Unlike THC, CBD does not give you a high nor does it give you the munchies.

Cannabinoids imitates endocannabinoids. Many cannabinoid compounds do bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, the scientific makeup of CBD does not allow it bind directly to CB receptors, contradictory to THC.

Why Does THC Make You Hungry?

It’s the binding of THC to CB1 receptors that has been found to stimulate you to feel hungry.

brain receptors

Specifically, it creates a craving for fatty foods like hamburgers, fried foods, or salty snacks. The fat cells within the human body releases leptin. This action signals the brain’s hypothalamus center to shut-off hunger by releasing ghrelin.

Because CBD does not bind directly to CB1 receptors, it will not cause this same hunger response. Even full spectrum CBD, which by law will have 0.3% or less THC, will not trigger a hunger reaction.

Will CBD Give You The Munchies?

No, Cannabidiol (CBD) will not give people the munchies. The munchies come from using THC, since THC is a direct appetite stimulator. CBD does not have a direct influence on your hunger levels like THC does. 

Do CBD Gummies Increase Your Appetite

A CBD gummy might increase your appetite, but the effects can vary from person to person. While CBD’s impact on appetite is not as straightforward as THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis known for causing “the munchies”), some anecdotal reports and limited studies suggest that CBD may help stimulate appetite in certain individuals.

Does Pure CBD Oil Give You the Munchies?

No, it doesn’t. This myth comes from the fact that smoking cannabis can give you the munchies. While pure CBD oil is made from cannabis, it isn’t the same thing as THC which can make you hungry. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many cannabinoids that is naturally found in cannabis plants. Remember, both hemp and marijuana fall under the cannabis plant species.

cannabis plant family

CBD is one of the more prominent cannabinoids, constituting up to 40% of the plant’s extract (depending on the strain). This is where CBD takes a departure from Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the compound that causes psychoactive traits.

Not admitting to anything, but smoking marijuana is associated with giving people the munchies. Weed or marijuana (THC) based products are known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system that controls our appetite.

Do CBD Gummies Make You Gain Weight?

CBD gummies will not make you gain weight. Since you now know they don’t give you the munchies, the likelihood of you gaining weight because of eating some CBD gummies is almost non-existent.

On the other hand, if you were to eat CBD gummies with a lot of THC in them, they could give you the munchies which might result in some weight gain. You would have to increase your calories for many days, if not weeks, in order to see weight gain.

Summary – CBD and Hunger Levels

Researchers and professionals in the medical field unequivocally state that CBD does not make you hungry, based on clinical trials and extensive studies.

Scientifically, CBD doesn’t directly give you an increase in hunger. Sure if it helps your stomach feel better, you might then eat more, but it won’t give you the munchies.

If there is a connection between getting hungry from CBD it is not accurate. This CBD concept must be based on misconceptions than what science has proven.

In summary, you will not need to lock up all the snacks the next time you order CBD items. Instead, embrace them to lessen chronic pain, receive more energy, and enjoy many other beneficial connections.

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Commitment to Trusted Information on CBD

When it comes to understanding both the science and benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), it is extremely important that you can trust the source of your information. This is exactly why our team at New Phase Blends includes experts in the field of cannabinoid research and development, including frequent correspondence with certified medical professionals and PhDs in relevant fields via studies, research, and additional peer reviewed pieces of information. All information published is reviewed and checked for accuracy. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with the latest scientific research and clinical studies related to not only CBD, but also its effects on the human body.

About the Author - CBD Expert Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett Author
Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett is the owner and founder of New Phase Blends. He discovered his passion for CBD use after suffering from injuries sustained while on Active Duty in the US Army. His number one priority is introducing the same CBD products that he himself uses for relief to others who can benefit from them.

Dale holds a Master Degree of Science, and is the inventor of the popular, CBD-based sleep aid known as ‘Sleep.’ He’s given multiple lectures on CBD to institutions such as Cornell’s MBA student program, and Wharton’s School of Business.

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