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What is Hemp Oil Good For? Does It Actually Work?

Dale blog imageAuthor: Dale Hewett
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Never had we perceived that the hemp industry was going to flourish at such a rate. According to the Brightfield Group, a US-based cannabidiol research firm, the industry will hit the $16 billion mark by 2025. Hemp oil has taken the US by storm, but why hemp oil? What are the benefits of hemp oil?

In fact, the plant extract that can be produced from hemp is so popular, its now finding its way into breath sprays, cheeseburgers, and toothpicks. Yes, cheeseburgers.

Why? I’m not entirely sure…

Anyway, there is a lot that goes into the benefits of the hemp plant as a whole. This include the hemp seeds, stalks, leaves, and flowers.

Let’s go ahead and get into how this all works.

TL;DRThe positive benefits that the hemp plant brings come in several different forms. Humans have used it for thousands of years. From therapeutic effects, to clothing and even building materials, hemp is extremely beneficial for us.

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Why Hemp Oil?

First off, let’s hit it off by getting to know what CBD is. Cannabidiol (CBD) is among the over 124 chemical compounds called cannabinoids found in cannabis plants.

If you didn’t know, the cannabis plant accounts for both the hemp plant (cannabis sativa plant) and the marijuana plant.

cannabis species chart

The psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for the high people experience, known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is also a cannabinoid. CBD just happens to be among the 124 of these non-psychoactive elements.

CBD is the main reason why hemp plants have become so popular.

It’s combined with a carrier oil (such as hemp seed or coconut oil) to make hemp oil, also known as CBD oil. There are numerous potential benefits in hemp oil.

Discover: CBD Oil Nordic Oil

The non-psychoactive qualities of CBD make it an attractive choice for those seeking pain relief – without the mind-altering effects of marijuana.

Hemp oil is so popular that Kim Kardashian turned to the health benefits of hemp oil in helping cope with her panic attack episodes during the birth of her fourth child.

Bubba Watson, the renowned golfer uses it too to induce his sleep. Did I mention that Martha Stewart’s French bulldog uses it too?

hemp oil and CBD oil

There are tons of different CBD products like CBD tinctures, gummies and CBD balms.

Related: What Do CBD Gummies Do?

Hemp Oil is Good For…

The pain-relieving attributes of hemp oil can be traced as far as 2900 BC. Only recently did scientists discover that certain chemical components of the marijuana plant, including CBD, had pain-relieving health benefits.

The endocannabinoid system in the human body is responsible for various functions such as the regulation of sleep, pain, immune system response, and appetite. The human body produces endocannabinoids that bind to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain.

brain receptors

These receptors are known as the CB1 and CB2 receptor.

According to Healthline, studies indicate that CBD products can impact endocannabinoid receptor activities, thereby reducing pain or inflammation. Further more, a study conducted on mice injected with CBD showed promise through a reduction in response time to pain during surgical incisions.

Read more: CBD for Kids

However, other studies conducted on the human body show that a combination of both CBD and THC hampers pain associated with arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

As a side note, you may run into two different terms when looking for CBD products: broad spectrum hemp extract, and full spectrum hemp extract. They are almost identical except for the THC content. Full spectrum hemp extract will have near 0.3% THC, while broad spectrum will have near 0.0% THC.

Sativex, a full spectrum oral spray, was approved by the UK’s MHRA in June 2010. In July, Spain’s GW pharma followed suit and approved the drug in the treatment of multiple sclerosis spasticity.

Related: How Long Does Hemp Oil Stay in Your System?

Hemp Oil Benefits for Depression and Anxiety Reduction

Hemp oil benefits also include helping depression and anxiety. The World Health Organization has declared depression as the biggest, devastating source of disability globally closely followed by anxiety in sixth place.

Hemp oil has shown promise as a natural treatment option for anxiety as modern medication tends to come with various side effects. Insomnia, agitation, headache, addiction, and in some cases, sexual dysfunction, are just some side effects, to mention a few.

Related: Using CBD for Bipolar Disorder

Side effects of CBD oil are quite mild, and normally experienced after taking too much hemp oil. These side effects include nausea and lethargy.

CBD oil on block

According to Very Well Health, in the Journal of Neurotherapeutic 2015 study review, investigators indicated a promising outcome in CBD’s treatment of anxiety, though in low doses. This was demonstrated in part by how CBD oil functions in the brain, though counter-intuitively.

Related read: Using CBD for Insomnia

The benefits to our well being that CBD offers seems to be promising.

Let’s get into some more beneficial effects.

Hemp Oil For Epilepsy Treatment

The FDA approved the use of Epidiolex, a refined form of CBD oil in the treatment of epilepsy in 2018 after years of painstaking research with regards to its efficacy and safety.

Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes were the rare type of epilepsy approved for treatment since they were difficult to control with other modern forms of medication.

According to MedialNewsToday, scientists are beginning to make headway in understanding how CBD oils counter seizures without exposing patients to the side effects of modern medication. Currently, there’s no synthetic drug in the market that matches a cannabinoid’s effectiveness in targeting the human endocannabinoid system.

Improved Heart Health

According to a 2017 study by JCI insight, CBD oil had the potential to reduce hypertension.

A group of six men took either 600 mg of CBD, or a placebo. It was found out that those who took the CBD oil treatment had lower blood pressure after an intense workout session. Further to this, the amount of stroke volume blood remnants in the heart after a heartbeat, was relatively low. Their hearts pumped more efficiently.

Such findings are an indication that CBD oil may be a complementary medical therapy to those suffering from stress-induced anxiety or hypertension. However, there lacks evidence that CBD oil alone can act as a treatment or preventive measure for hypertension.

Discover: Using CBD for Stress

Another thing to consider here is some of the benefits of hemp seed oil. Hemp seeds contain a LOT of essential fatty acids. That said, hemp seed oil contains no CBD at all.

hemp seed oil

Science has already discovered the benefits that healthy fats have on the heart. Consider adding some hemp seed oil to your list of daily supplements.

Helping Manage PTSD Symptoms

If you know me, you know I am an Army veteran, and huge advocate for advances in veteran health care. This area of using hemp oil seems extremely promising, and exciting.

According to Dr. Margaret Rajnic, a medical practitioner experienced in medical cannabis and CBD, it’s equally essential to use therapy in tandem with CBD in the treatment of PTSD.

She goes on to say that therapy is needed, but hemp oil is useful to lessen one’s anxiety.

Additionally, according to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11 study participants received CBD treatment through eight weeks of psychiatric care. Ten out of the 11 had decreased PTSD symptoms, meaning the CBD treatment was well tolerated.

Other human PTSD study trials utilizing hemp oil between 2012 to 2016 seem to back up the above claims. This time, THC, or the mind-altering element was incorporated in the treatment with hemp oil. The combination of both chemical elements is known to create the “entourage effect”, complementing each other’s potency and benefits.

Equal dosages of THC and CBD dilute the “high” from THC. On the other hand, a little bit of THC used with more CBD will juice up the CBD oils, amplifying its efficacy.

Who knew the hemp plant would prove to be so useful?

Opioid Addiction Treatment

Pre-clinical studies on both animals and humans suggest that CBD oil has the potential to cure opioid-related addiction. As highlighted in one such study, researchers administered CBD treatment on heroin addicts over one week.

doctor talking about CBD oil

Throughout the period, the treatment significantly reduced their withdrawal anxiety, induced cravings, and promoted a healthy heart rate. Furthermore, no adverse reaction to the treatment was recorded.

The benefits of CBD treatment has also been classified as appropriate in treating psychiatric symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety in substance abuse patients.

This further cements the fact that CBD oil holds the key in the treatment of opioid addiction.

Legality of Hemp in the US

Is CBD legal, or is it illegal?

Though there’s a bit of complexity regarding the use of hemp oil and other hemp derived products in the US, the Farm Bill of 2018 gives the green light.

As long as the THC level is less than 0.3% in your CBD oil, or whatever other hemp oil product you have, it will be 100% federally legal. However, confusion over some specifics still exists and one should check in with relevant state laws.

Since the Food and Drug Administration hasn’t given the green light on any non-prescriptive products, care should be exercised since one can’t be too sure about what constitutes the product.

This is why you always need to look for QR codes on hemp products.

QR code examples on CBD oils

They are scannable from any smart phone, and other smart devices, and will show you EXACTLY what is in the product via a third party lab analysis. You’ll see things like pesticide traces, heavy metal screenings, and the mg CBD per product.

Summary – What’s Hemp Oil Good For?

The CBD industry has made a lot of strides over the years and its potential seems to be limitless. Whether you are a CBD oil guru or first time user, at New Phase Blends, you’ll be taken care of.

Our product array such as Sleep Gummies for a good night’s sleep, “go” CBD energy oil, and “Sooth” topical CBD balm is just a tip of what we have to offer. Check out our selection for your diverse needs.

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We are always on the lookout for new ways of blending our rich hemp extracts to help offer relief from a variety of the challenges that life can give you.

Regardless of whether or not you purchase from us, just make sure you buy CBD from a reputable dealer. This is the most important factor when buying hemp products.

Too many companies sell either under dosed, or just completely fake CBD oil. Some companies even sell hemp seed oil under the guise of CBD oil. I’m not trying to scare you, I’m simply making you aware of what’s out there.

Once you find the perfect product, you’ll be set.


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Commitment to Trusted Information on CBD

When it comes to understanding both the science and benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), it is extremely important that you can trust the source of your information. This is exactly why our team at New Phase Blends includes experts in the field of cannabinoid research and development, including frequent correspondence with certified medical professionals and PhDs in relevant fields via studies, research, and additional peer reviewed pieces of information. All information published is reviewed and checked for accuracy. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with the latest scientific research and clinical studies related to not only CBD, but also its effects on the human body.

About the Author - CBD Expert Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett Author
Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett is the owner and founder of New Phase Blends. He discovered his passion for CBD use after suffering from injuries sustained while on Active Duty in the US Army. His number one priority is introducing the same CBD products that he himself uses for relief to others who can benefit from them.

Dale holds a Master Degree of Science, and is the inventor of the popular, CBD-based sleep aid known as ‘Sleep.’ He’s given multiple lectures on CBD to institutions such as Cornell’s MBA student program, and Wharton’s School of Business.

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