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How to Use CBD For Better Skin Health

Dale blog imageAuthor: Dale Hewett
Benefits of CBD and Hemp Seed Oil For Skin Health | New Phase Blends
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Using CBD oil for skin health is gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry. In addition, there are several benefits of hemp seed oil for skin health, too! People can expect for CBD to become a staple in the skincare industry – very soon. The benefits of CBD, or cannabidiol, and hemp seed oil for skin are incredible. For this reason, people are beginning to purchase CBD products like nothing we’ve seen before. These natural products aren’t exactly cheap, though. Are CBD products for skin health worth the cost? Are the skin benefits from hemp seed oil real or just a marketing tactic?

TL;DR – Using CBD to promote skin health is an excellent way to use this product. It can do several things for your skin that result in a better looking you.

What Is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

Read Full Article: What is CBD?

CBD stands for ‘cannabidiol, and it is a plant chemical found in cannabis. CBD is one of the most abundant compounds of the cannabis plant, which means that it is considered plant based. It has, literally, revolutionized the health and wellness industry to a likes that we’ve never seen before.

CBD in cannabis

It is also non-psychoactive – meaning it doesn’t get the user high at all. There is absolutely nothing it will do to alter your state of mind.

As a skincare product, CBD is being promoted for almost every skin issue. From acne, to wrinkles and skin aging problems, CBD seems to be the go to item for skin health.

The demand for CBD became popular after multiple states followed suit when the US Federal Government decriminalized hemp (and therefore CBD) in 2018.

CBD is widely considered safe for use due to its non-psychoactive properties. The side effects are relatively mild when compared to other substances. It is also enriched with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Hemp is the preferred choice for CBD as it contains a lower THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) level. THC is the more popular sister molecule, and it’s a psychoactive compound of the plant.

hemp for skin health

As long as CBD is derived from hemp, you are good to go. Here are a few things to note about CBD derived from hemp…

  • Contains less than 0.3% THC
  • Contains high levels of CBD, CBG, and CBN (depending on the strain of hemp)
  • Usually contains MCT oil as a carrier oil

If a CBD product you are looking at doesn’t come from hemp, it likely has a level of THC that exceeds 0.3%. The Farm Bill of 2018 only legalized hemp derived CBD, because hemp derived CBD generally has very low levels of CBD.

How Does CBD Work In Our Bodies?

When entering into the blood stream, CBD influences the endocannabinoid system and binds with the different receptors present all over the body. Yes, that’s right – there are CB1 and CB2 receptors that are in our bodies, and they interact with CBD products incredibly well. This is, general, how CBD works in our bodies.

This interaction helps regulate the various body systems and supports regaining and maintaining stability in the body. This is why using CBD for pain, among other symptoms, is preferred by many.

Endocannabinoid System Receptors

This cannabis plant extract is added to a carrier oil in order to make the extract more tolerable to our bodies. Pure hemp extract is very, very strong and would likely irritate our stomachs of skin if we ate it, or applied it topically.  When using CBD for skin health, it normally comes in a topical form like a cream, lotion, or balm.

Interesting Fact: The Human body naturally produces some of the same chemicals as some of the cannabis plants do. Anandamide, commonly known as the bliss molecule, is one of those chemicals and performs multiple similar functions to CBD.

Can You Apply CBD Oil on the Skin?

CBD oil is full of rich, pure CBD extract, and sometimes even has other compounds like CBG and CBN, depending on the quality and type of the CBD product. Premium hemp CBD oils are full of these great nutrients, but they are meant to be swallowed, or put under your tongue.

While you, technically, can apply CBD on your skin, you should definitely stick to CBD skin care products made specifically for topical use.

Unbelievable Benefits of CBD for Skin Health

CBD, as a skincare product, has gained immense popularity over the last couple years. Which qualities of CBD are best to promote skin rejuvenation, what skin conditions CBD help improve?

Here are some of the most common and proven uses of CBD for skin health:

CBD Treatments for Acne

CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, and research has shown that acne is a type of inflammatory skin disease. Cannabidiol may help to treat this condition with it’s soothing and anti-inflammatory effects, especially when it comes to acne-prone skin.

Acne arises after an inflammatory response, usually on the face, neck, shoulders, and upper back or chest. CBD potentially calms this response and reduces the redness and breakouts. CBD controls oil production (sebum) in the skin that can later be a cause of acne. This is exactly why using CBD as an acne treatment may work well.

Sebum is simply a fancy word for the oil that comes out of the pores in your skin.

CBD Creams for Acne

New Phase Blends produces a two-staged acne fighting cream with CBD called glow. Glow utilizes salicylic acid, which is a natural ingredient that comes from willow bark. It does a FANTASTIC job of cleaning out your pores. The second part of the two-stage acne fighting formula is 1,000mg of full spectrum, CBD rich hemp extract.

benefits of hemp seed oil for skin

This extract is full of CBD, and other cannabinoids. The CBD gets to work at reducing redness and swelling while the salicylic acid clears out your pores. It’s even been featured in Vogue magazine.

Wrinkle Reduction and Anti-Aging

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a plant based chemical that is naturally full of antioxidant properties. CBD helps to reduce the signs of aging on the skin. It prevents free-radical damage and reduces inflammation – both of which are classic indicators of aging skin.

When used as an anti-aging product, CBD reduces and counteracts wrinkles, freckles, dullness, spots, reddishness, and uneven skin tones.

Use Topical CBD on Sensitive Skin

Cannabidiol has a pain-relieving and soothing properties that potentially have a significant effect on skin conditions. Cannabidiol (CBD) works as a substantial skin-soothing agent for sensitive skin by diminishing different issues such as redness and over reactive skin.

Related: Topical CBD Explained

When used in a daily routine, CBD is an excellent addition to maintain skin health and proper skin conditions.

CBD Potentially Manages Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry patches on the skin, makes cracks, and turns red, itchy, and inflamed. Almost 31.6% of Americans affects by Eczema. Eczema is a common skin condition, but there is still no permanent cure for this disease. The situation can be both stressful and frustrating, and managing it another difficult task.

CBD is an effective treatment for Eczema, according to a study conducted in 2019. CBD influences the Endocannabinoid System in the human body which can be directly related to a decrease in allergic inflammation (which is one of Eczema’s significant causes).

What is Hemp Seed Oil?

Hemp seed oil is different from CBD oil. How? What is hemp seed oil?

The oil comes from the seeds of the hemp seed. While this oil is rich in healthy fats, it does NOT have any CBD in it. The CBD in hemp extract comes from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant – not the seeds.

That being said, hemp seed oil works fast, and well, for skin health when applied topically. However, CBD oil and hemp seed oil are completely different things.

Moisturizing Healing Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil for Dry Skin

Dry skin is the cause of so many skin issues. Skin toughness, dryness, stretchmarks…all of these are caused from dry skin.

hemp CBD cream for moisturizing

Managing severely dry skin is not an easy task. You have to constantly apply creams, serums, and moisturizers because your skin absorbs it all so fast. There is a fine line between over moisturizing and doing it correctly.

Some CBD for skin health products perfectly balance the skin moisture. It prevents a lot of  the cracks, rough patches, and other skin issues related to severely dry skin. Hemp seed oil doesn’t affect the function of sebaceous glands, and it doesn’t cause the production of excessive sebum.

Benefits of Hemp Oil for Your Skin

The benefits you get from using hemp oil for skin health can be a real game changer. 

hemp seed oil

While you don’t get the benefits of the CBD, you do get benefits from the essential fatty acids within the hemp seed oil. 

These benefits include:

  • skin tone improvement
  • moisturizing improvement
  • cellular growth

Make sure you are taking full advantage of the benefits of hemp seed oil for your skin health. 

Are Skincare CBD Balm Products Legal?

CBD products for skin health, like CBD balm, that are derived from the hemp plant and contain 0.3% or less of THC are Federally legal for use within the US. Keep in mind that just because something is legal at the Federal level, doesn’t mean that it is legal at the state level.

Also, it’s not just topical products that are legal, things like gummies are legal, too, so long as the same THC content is met.

Summary – Try CBD For Improved Skin Health

Our skin contains a network of nerves and receptors that all play an essential part in maintaining our homeostasis. From helping regulate body temperature, to providing excess moisturization, to fighting skin conditions – our bodies are equipped to handle these issues quite well.

The receptors of the Endocannabinoid System are present all over the body in the form of CB1 and CB2 receptors.

People spend a LOT of money on skincare products. Keep in mind that products which contain CBD for skin health are quickly becoming your best option. These CBD products do things like…

  • Fight Eczema
  • Reduce redness and swelling
  • Fight types of Acne
  • Reduce Aging

The list goes on. Research is being conducted daily, and new research articles come out so quickly that even I have a hard time keeping up with the new positive benefits of CBD! It’s just that incredible. You can choose from a wide range of CBD products which include creams, balms, salves, moisturizers, scrubs, night creams, and lotions to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

What is stopping you from giving  CBD products for skin health a try? CBD is near and dear to our hearts, and we promise you will love what we have to offer.

*The statements within this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.


American Family Physician:
Mayo Clinic:
National Eczema Association:
National Institutes of Health:
National Library of Medicine:
United States Department of Agriculture:

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Commitment to Trusted Information on CBD

When it comes to understanding both the science and benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), it is extremely important that you can trust the source of your information. This is exactly why our team at New Phase Blends includes experts in the field of cannabinoid research and development, including frequent correspondence with certified medical professionals and PhDs in relevant fields via studies, research, and additional peer reviewed pieces of information. All information published is reviewed and checked for accuracy. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with the latest scientific research and clinical studies related to not only CBD, but also its effects on the human body.

About the Author - CBD Expert Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett Author
Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett is the owner and founder of New Phase Blends. He discovered his passion for CBD use after suffering from injuries sustained while on Active Duty in the US Army. His number one priority is introducing the same CBD products that he himself uses for relief to others who can benefit from them.

Dale holds a Master Degree of Science, and is the inventor of the popular, CBD-based sleep aid known as ‘Sleep.’ He’s given multiple lectures on CBD to institutions such as Cornell’s MBA student program, and Wharton’s School of Business.

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