There is a body of distinctive chemical structures known as cannabinoids found in either marijuana or the cannabis plant. These chemical structures are known for their therapeutic and non-psychoactive effects.
These compounds are either natural or synthetic. Some of the naturally occurring cannabinoids include Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabavarin (THCV), delta-8-THC, Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabitriol (CBT), Cannabicyclol (CBL), and cannabielsoin.
Cannabielsoin is the family to which Cannabielsoic acid B (CBEA-B) belongs although it is an active agent of metabolism made from CBE.
The status of the CBE-type compounds as natural products has been questioned due to their infrequent identification and/or isolation from natural sources. They can be formed from the naturally occurring CBD and CBD acids by photo-oxidation or pyrolysis. The thermal decomposition of materials at an elevated temperature in a chemically inactive atmosphere is called Pyrolysis while the breakdown of a polymer in the presence of oxygen is known as photo-oxidation.
By implication, CBE type compounds can be derived when the CBD and CBD acids undergo any of these processes. In spite of these concerns, CBE and CBE acid (both the C3 and C5 homologues) have been reported to be natural products of C. sativa plant material or hashish on several occasions.
Related: What is CBN?
Although not much is known about the compound in question but the little known is beneficial. The molecular formula for CBEA-B Cannabielsoic acid B is C22H30O5 and the molecular weight is 374.477g/mol.
As much as the use of cannabis and medical marijuana has been for years and there are many psychoactive ingredients present in the plants that relate with the receptors in the human body, there has been no sufficient proven results of how each of these ingredients including Cannabielsoic acid B (CBEA-B) reacts in the body and what effect they bring.
Related: CBD vs CBN
For now, much has not been discovered of the medicinal benefits of Cannabielsoic acid B (CBEA-B). That said, Cannabielsoic acid B (CBEA-B) might be capable of treating:
- Cancer
- Multiple sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Chronic pain
- Drug addiction and alcoholism
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Depression
As a CBE-type compound, Cannabielsoic acid B (CBEA-B) is capable of being an active agent of metabolism.
Bercht, C.A.L., Lousberg, R.J.J.C., Ku¨ppers, F.J.E.M., Salemink, C.A., Vree, T.B., Van Rossum, J.M., 1973. Cannabis. VII. Identification of cannabinol methyl ether from hashish. Journal of Chromatography. 81 (1), 163–166.
Grote, H., Spiteller, G., 1978a. New cannabinoids. II. Journal of Chromatography 154 (1), 13–23.
Ku¨ppers, F.J.E.M., Lousberg, R.J.J.C., Bercht, C.A.L., Salemink, C.A., Terlouw, J.K., Heerma, W., Laven, A., 1973. Cannabis. VIII. Pyrolysis of cannabidiol. Structure elucidation of the main pyrolytic product. Tetrahedron 29 (18), 2797–2802.
Shani, A., Mechoulam, R., 1974. Cannabielsoic acids. Isolation and synthesis by a novel oxidative cyclization. Tetrahedrosn 30 (15), 2437–2446.
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