When we talk about fringe cannabinoids, it refers to very strange and rare cannabinoids within cannabis that we still do not know a lot about. 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol is one of these very weird cannabinoids.
What is 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol?
10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol is a minor component of cannabis that was recently found. It may have medicinal uses, but it’s too soon to tell.
It can be found in both cannabis sativa and cannabis indica in trace amounts. Being a relatively newly discovered phytocannabinoid, most of the benefits are still under research that has not progressed to human testing. There’s still quite a lot to learn.
Related: What is Delta 9?
10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol is part of a group of mildly psychoactive cannabinoids that occur only in minute quantities within cannabis plants. Industrial hemp plants do not have high amounts of this cannabinoid. It is possible, through cross breeding, to incorporate larger quantities of this cannabinoid in hemp plants – should the cultivator want to.
The cannabinoids that are relevant in pharmacology exists as substrates of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and act as a partial agonist of cannabinoid receptor 2, though they have a higher affinity for cannabinoid receptor 1.
Obata and Ishikawa first discovered 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol, a Cannabitriol derivative, in 1966, while El-Sohly and El-Feraly Turner isolated and characterized 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabitriol.
Like all other cannabinoids, 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol comes from the cannabis plant.
Although cannabis is a banned drug in many countries due to its abuse and dependency attributes, this chemical has a lot of promise in science, and more researchers are working to harness its positive benefits.
How Does 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol Work?
The mechanism of action of 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol is still unknown. Like many other cannabinoids, it is projected to have an effect on cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce a psychoactive effect, and this is may have a positive effect in the treatment of nerve-related diseases and mental disorders.
Science is a field of facts, and theories need a firm base of research work – not only assumptions. It is safer to wait for more facts and test data on 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol to conclude how it works in the body and reacts with other chemical compounds.
As mentioned previously, 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol is a newly discovered chemical, and much is still unknown about it.
Research is slow in most parts of the world due to the ban on its parent compound and marijuana, which also contains 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol. However, more researchers are becoming interested in cannabis and its products.
This will likely lead to more concrete research.
Are There Benefits in Using It?
All therapeutic effects of 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol are unknown as research work is still in-vitro; that is, outside living tissues of animals and humans. However, other cannabinoids suggest that the benefits of 10-ethoxy-9-hydroxy-delta-6a-tetrahydrocannabinol may include:
Ghalili, Babek , and Kevin McGovern. 2018. Topical Compositions Comprising Hydroxy Acids and Cannabinoids for Skin Care. United States Patent 20180021247. January 25.
Karen Whalen, P. B. (2015). Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology Sixth Edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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