At present, there are hundreds of CBD oil ebooks available on places like Amazon. However, it is harder than you might think to find genuine, high-quality information about cannabidiol. Here, we’ve, therefore, curated a list of the four best CBD books worth reading right now in 2020.
Free CBD eBooks vs Paid CBD Oil Books
Before diving into our list of the best CBD ebooks of the year so far, please note that no free CBD oil books make our 2020 rundown.
At New Phase Blends, we regularly see less reputable CBD oil suppliers offering free ebook giveaways. In every case, though, CBD ebooks themselves are just compilations of (often badly written) blog posts.
To ensure that you get access to higher-quality information, our list below only features books from reputable authors and sources.
CBD Essentials by New Phase Blends CEO Dale Hewett
Topping our list of the best CBD oil ebooks of the year, is our own ebook, CBD Essentials.
Authored by New Phase Blends CEO and US Army Veteran Dale Hewett, Dale condenses essential CBD therapeutic facts into an easy to digest volume for anyone new to cannabidiol. It easily displays on any mobile device, phone, or computer.
As a Veteran, Dale first began using CBD oil to manage chronic pain arising from a severe back injury. However, in the process, Dale quickly came to realize how difficult it can be to source accurate information about cannabidiol.
Related: CBD Oil on Amazon
In CBD essentials, Dale gives people new to CBD a concise, yet comprehensive overview of key terminology used in the CBD oil industry. At the same time, Dale’s CBD ebook helps readers learn how to identify the highest quality therapeutics currently on the market. Since the day it was released, many people have told us just how much they love this CBD oil ebook.
Buy CBD Essentials now for just $4.99 by clicking here.
Healing with CBD: How Cannabidiol Can Transform Your Health without the “High”
The aim of CBD Essentials by Dale Hewett is to give people a concise overview of different CBD therapeutics options. However, if you are looking to dive even further into the science backing cannabidiol supplements, we advise reading Healing with CBD by Eileen Konieczny and Lauren Wilson.
As a registered nurse, Eileen Konieczny provides readers with a wealth of information on CBD treatments for several different ailments. More importantly, authors Eileen Konieczny and Lauren Wilson give voice to the benefits of CBD from their perspectives as practicing medical professionals.
Eileen Konieczny and Lauren Wilson also provide layer after layer of supporting evidence for each of the claims they make concerning the therapeutic efficacy of CBD. This being the case, while their CBD oil ebook does make for heavy reading at times, it is a fantastic resource for anyone thinking about using CBD oil themselves.
Buy Healing with CBD now on Amazon for just $13.74
The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis
If you have misgivings about using CBD oil because of the controversy surrounding recreational marijuana, you are not alone.
At New Phase Blends, all of our own CBD therapeutics are made using THC-free hemp. However, we encounter many people who still feel uncomfortable supplementing with anything that even remotely connects to marijuana. Thankfully, reading The Pot Book by Julie Holland, M.D. can help dispel any such misgivings. This CBD oil ebook is worth at least looking into!
In The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis, Julie Holland, M.D. explores the genuine medial benefits of hemp and marijuana. More importantly, Holland goes further to explain the socioeconomic and politics behind why cannabis in particular is heavily demonized by authorities.
Like with Healing with CBD, The Pot Book is also written by a practicing medical professional.
Buy the Pot Book now on Amazon for just $16.24
The Athlete’s Guide to CBD: Treat Pain and Inflammation, Maximize Recovery, and Sleep Better Naturally
The Athlete’s Guide to CBD: Treat Pain and Inflammation, Maximize Recovery, and Sleep Better Naturally, , another CBD oil ebook.
At New Phase Blends, we specialize in formulating CBD therapeutics that relieve pain, while also boosting energy, physical performance, and stamina. For this reason, we advise that people looking to boost their own energy levels with CBD oil, read The Athlete’s Guide to CBD by Scott Douglas.
As a regular contributor to Runner’s World Magazine, Scott Douglas explores the different ways people can use cannabidiol to boost athletic performance. More importantly, Scott goes further to explain how CBD oil can expedite athletic injury and post-workout recovery times. If you are an athlete looking for how you can supplement with CBD, this CBD oil ebook is fantastic!
The Athlete’s Guide to CBD also makes a fantastic book for anyone who just wants to learn more about the overall health benefits of cannabidiol.
Buy The Athlete’s Guide to CBD now on Amazon for just $11.25
Have we Listed Too Many CBD Oil eBooks to Choose From?
Do you want to learn more about CBD but lack the time to dive into hundreds of pages of cannabidiol testimonials? If so, start with our own ebook CBD Essentials by clicking here. You will not regret it.