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Does CBD Help Migraine or Headache Pain?

Dale blog imageAuthor: Dale Hewett
does CBD help migraines
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In this article we will review a couple of peer reviewed studies that use CBD for migraine pain and headache pain. Headaches and migraines can be brutal – absolutely brutal, to deal with. Some over the counter medications may work well, but these come with side effects that affect blood pressure and liver/kidney health. Using CBD for your headaches and migraines might be a safer, and even more effective, way to help yourself manage.

TL;DR – People are starting to use CBD for migraines because these products work, and they work fast. There’s a lot to learn about CBD, though, if you are new to this industry.

What Causes Migraine Pain?

With the rise of CBD use over the last two years now, people have found many different ways to use CBD. From pain relief, anxiety management, and anti-inflammatory uses, it begs the question: does CBD help migraines? To be clear, there is a huge difference between a headache and a migraine. Few things are worse than a severe migraine headache.

Most people complain they are suffering from migraine headaches, when in reality, they simply have a headache. I’m not trying to marginalize anyone, but it’s important to know the difference between a migraine and headache.

Headaches basically feel like some pressure and pain within your head. They can range from very mild, all the way up to severe forms of pain.

Best Cbd Oils For Migraines

Most of the common headaches include areas of your head like: upper back potion of your neck, the sides of your temples, and the front of your forehead. Some headaches last very briefly. Conversely, there are headache disorders that can last several days. According to the Mayo Clinic, the tension headache is the most predominant form of headaches.

Migraine headaches, on the other hand, are usually severely intense and don’t stop with simply head pain. Some of the other symptoms that can join the dreadful migraine are:

  • vomiting or nausea
  • isolated pains behind specific areas, like the ear or eyes
  • pain in the temples
  • intense sensitivity to light or even sound
  • loss of eyesight (temporary)

If you compare a migraine with a headache, the migraine attack is always worse. Interestingly, migraines will normally affect only one side of your head. It’s not impossible for a migraine to affect your entire head, it’s just more common to affect one side.

Furthermore, if you have a migraine, you will be out of commission until the migraine is over.

Cbd For Migraines

Photo source: Healthline

Does CBD Help Migraines?

CBD oil may be able to help manage your migraines. If you are familiar with CBD, you have likely heard about CBD’s use for pain relief. That sounds like it would be a perfect to use CBD for your migraines, right?

Studies on Using CBD Oil for Migraine Headaches

In 2017, a study was conducted on using cannabis derivates (including CBD) for use as a treatment against headache and migraine pain. The Journal of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research stated, “it appears likely that cannabis will emerge as a potential treatment for some headache sufferers.”

In this study, the research team did a deep dive into many different studies and reports on using cannabinoids like CBD. They concluded that they are a potential treatment for headaches and migraines.

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Eric P. Baron (2015) concluded in a review of cannabinoids, “The literature suggests that the medicinal use of cannabis may have a therapeutic role for a multitude of diseases, particularly chronic pain disorders including headaches.”

I was even able to find an old (Reynolds, 1868) journal that documented the use of hemp for headaches. Hemp is rich in CBD, and contains very little THC. THC is the compound within cannabis that has psychoactive properties.

he results from this study were, “Immediate relief and elimination of headaches for 14 months after treatment. No lasting harm.”

Finally, the Migraine Research Foundation has given cannabis the impact award for acute treatment of migraines. They only award this to compounds that actually relieve migraine headaches well.

While medical cannabis does include medical marijuana, it is worth nothing that even medical marijuana can contain large amounts of CBD in it. Read more on the medical cannabis cohort here.

So, do CBD oils help migraines? According to these studies, yes, it does. These are only three studies mentioned out of over 40 that I read through, too.

What About Using CBD For Headaches?

Headaches are not as intense as migraines, but they can still cause a great deal of pain for some people. Using CBD for headache pain will work the same as using it for migraine pain. The only different is the level of pain that headaches bring vs. migraines. If you suffer from frequent headaches, using cannabidiol (CBD) could be the answer to your chronic pain.

Best CBD Oil for Migraines and Headaches

Type: Pure CBD Oil

CBD: 33mg or 66mg per serving

Features: Broad or full spectrum, premium CBD oil

Now that we know CBD oil can potentially help chronic migraine sufferers, what type of CBD product should you take? This is an area where it’s going to be up to personal preference. I can give you a few pointers of what to look out for when using CBD oil for migraines, but ultimately, you need to listen to your body and see which form works best.

You’re going to want to look for sublingual CBD oil drops to help offer relief. These are my favorite for one main reason: they work fast.

Simply squeeze the CBD drops under your tongue, and hold them there for at least 60 seconds. Your sublingual vein, located under the tongue, will begin to absorb the CBD oils and get them into your bloodstream almost immediately.

An Image Of The Sublingual Vein

Another option for those who do not like CBD drops, is CBD pills, or softgels. Most CBD oil comes in soft gel form, because it can contain a little bit of carrier oil to keep the CBD-rich hemp extract fresh. Remember, hemp extract is an oil base, so if you can leave it in a concentrated oil form, then put it in a soft gel pill capsule, it’s good to go.

These pills are meant to be swallowed with a drink. After swallowing them, they can take anywhere from 20 minutes to kick in, or even longer depending on your body. Both of these types of CBD oil products for migraines are sure to work, you just need to decide on which product works best for your body and your conditions. Everyone will process CBD a little bit differently. Do not let anyone tell you that only one form, or one type of CBD oil is the only way you should use it.

Stick to either broad spectrum or full spectrum CBD for the best results. Some people prefer a CBD isolate, but the issue with CBD isolate is that it contains no other beneficial compounds EXCEPT for CBD. Full spectrum CBD oil and broad spectrum CBD oil both contain lots of other beneficial compounds. The only difference is a full spectrum product will contain less than 0.3% THC, while a broad spectrum product contains near 0.0% THC.

Regardless of which you choose, all forms of hemp derived CBD are completely non-intoxicating.

Best CBD Gummies for Migraines and Headaches

Type: Pure CBD Gummies

CBD: 45mg per gummy

Features: Full spectrum, premium quality CBD gummies

Using CBD gummies for pain relief is, probably, one of the most popular reported uses of CBD. CBD gummies are easy to use, taste good, and require no dosing. One New Phase Blends CBD gummy is one serving. Most people will benefit from eating one gummy at the onset of their migraine.

Discover: What are CBD Gummies?

Summary – Using CBD for Migraine Pain

I write a lot of CBD oil articles, pretty much on a daily basis. The research included in the writing of this article on CBD use was interesting.

To be able to find a study from 1868 on using the Indian cannabis plant for headache management was quite the find for me!

The bottom line is, people have been using CBD oil for migraines (and other cannabinoids) to manage migraines for a long time. As more studies come out, we can more effectively see just how effective CBD oil is for many types of pain relief.

As usual, please be careful who you purchase your CBD products from. Sure, I would prefer you purchase from New Phase Blends, but as long as you get a quality product from a quality brand you can’t go wrong. Double check reviews, product certifications, and check for money-back guarantees. When you find the right product, consider using CBD oil for migraines. You’ll thank us later.

*Some users might find relief in vaping CBD oil for headache pain. New Phase Blends does not sell any CBD vape products, nor do we intend to.

Reynolds JR. On some of the therapeutical uses of Indian hempArch Med. 1868;2:154–160 [Google Scholar]

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About the Author - CBD Expert Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett Author
Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett is the owner and founder of New Phase Blends. He discovered his passion for CBD use after suffering from injuries sustained while on Active Duty in the US Army. His number one priority is introducing the same CBD products that he himself uses for relief to others who can benefit from them.

Dale holds a Master Degree of Science, and is the inventor of the popular, CBD-based sleep aid known as ‘Sleep.’ He’s given multiple lectures on CBD to institutions such as Cornell’s MBA student program, and Wharton’s School of Business.

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