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Dehydrocannabifuran (DCBF) is an uncategorized cannabinoid compound. DCBF is almost not present in the cannabis sativa plant but can be synthesized from cannabidiol in concentrations of 29%. The cannabis plant consists of compounds that have ailment-treating benefits.

Some of these compounds are psychoactive, while others are mild anti-effective agents. DCBF is one of these promising compounds even though its functions are yet to be discovered.

For the past 75 years, scientists worldwide have dedicated time to researching the cannabis plant. This may occur in university labs or pharmaceutical companies, for instance.

 Their discovery by Robert Cahn led the world on a journey to understanding these compounds. While some fight the legal battle for the recreational  usage and the allowance of medical administration of marijuana, others are actively trying to discover more about the plant.

This quest is what led to the discovery of dehydrocannabifuran.

The chemical composition of DCBF is unique in its construction. It contains 1 hydrogen bond donor, 2 hydrogen bond acceptors, and 5 rotatable bonds. With a surface area of 33.4A2, DCBF has a heavy atom count of 23 and a property complexity value of 418. It is formed through the process of decarbonation from the mother group CBF.

The commercial and medical future of this cannabinoid is still yet to be determined. The functions of DCBF are unknown, its therapeutic benefits yet to be discovered, and its extraction potential from the cannabis plant is low compared with other compounds.

There is a need for research, clinical trials and investigative findings into the cannabis plant in order to identify the functions of DCBF. Unfortunately, there are no grey areas when it comes to DCBF. We just don’t know. 


DCBF’s effects on the human body remain a mystery.  There have been no clinical trials demonstrating how this compound behaves with the human endocannabinoid system. There are no data to show if it has psychoactive tendencies. We don’t know if it functions as a receptor blockage mechanism.

There are a few reasons for this lack of technical know-how. For one, the current legal environment across much of the world constrains research. Following this is a lack of funds and research capital.

Scientists need funding to advance their study of cannabinoids, but won’t get it without the appropriate legal environment.


Concerning therapeutic benefits, we know that DCBF and its derivatives have them.

Some are psychoactive compounds that help with neurological pains and deficiencies, while others are natural pain blockers. The DCBF family and its constituents are only slightly effective at treating psychotic disorders areas due to their high affinity for CB1 and CB2 receptors.

We cannot say for sure what other therapeutic benefits DCBF holds until more research is performed.


  • Full molecular compound: 6-Methyl-9-isopropenyl-3-pentyldibenzofuran-1-ol
  • INCL: InChI=1S/C21H24O2/c1-5-6-7-8-15-11-17(22)20-18(12-15)23-21-14(4)9-10-16(13(2)3)19(20)21/h9-12,22H,2,5-8H2,1,3-4H3

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 59444381

Radwan MM, Ross SA, Slade D, Ahmed SA, Zulfiqar F, Elsohly MA. Isolation and characterization of new Cannabis constituents from a high potency variety.

National Library of Medicine:

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