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What is Cannabiglendol-C3?

Cannabiglendol-C3 was one of the first cannabinoids ever discovered in the cannabis plant. Although the compound was identified by Turner in 1981, there is still little to no information concerning its therapeutic benefits and possible interaction with other cannabinoids.

Cannabiglendol-C3 was isolated from the leaves and small stems of an Indian variant of cannabis sativa grown in Mississippi.

A derivative of cannabinol (CBD), with an IUPAC name of 8-OH-sisohexaliydrocannabinol, cannabiglendol is considered a hydroxyl-derivative of the CBD group. Since cannabiglendol-C3 shares some similarities with cannabinol (CBN), it’s conceivable the compounds may also interact with cannabinoid receptors and mimic the same therapeutic benefits.

CBN is a mildly psychoactive member of the cannabinoid family and occurs in trace amounts in cannabis plant. It is more highly concentrated in older cannabis plants and is also formed as a metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Although CBN has been successfully extracted in trace quantities from the cannabis plant, there is debate on whether it should be regarded as a naturally occurring or synthetic cannabinoid.

At this time we are unsure of the connection, if any, between CBN and cannabiglendol-C3 other than sharing the same parent chain in which cannabiglendol-3 is a hydroxyl derivative.

How does Cannabiglendol C3 work?

As stated earlier, cannabiglendol-C3 is an uncategorized (miscellaneous) cannabinoid. Information concerning its interaction with cannabinoid receptors is still unknown.

Related: What is CBN?

Since it has some relationship with CBN, it is believed that cannabiglendol may be slightly psychoactive. That said, it may exhibit a completely different interaction with cannabinoid receptors once tested.

Since the compound is only present in minute quantities, carrying out a detailed study to understand its level of activity and therapeutic benefits may be regarded as too costly.

It is worth considering that cannabiglendol was only isolated from the leaves and stems of Indian variants of cannabis sativa grown in Mississippi. There is little evidence of its presence in other cannabis plants around the world.

Related: How Does CBD Work

For now, we are optimistic scientists may pick up interest in the cannabinoid and carry out a detailed research on its activity and potential therapeutic benefits.

Potential Therapeutic Benefits

There is little to no information about the potential benefits of Cannabiglendol in treating diseases or providing therapeutic benefits to animals. Since the compound shares some characteristics with CBN, it is possible the two compounds may exhibit a similar interaction with the cannabinoid receptors.

Related: CBD vs CBN

Interesting Facts

  1. Cannabiglendol-C3 has a molecular weight of 304.42g/mol
  2. It is often regarded as a hydroxyl cannabinoid
  3. It was extracted from the stems and leaves of Indian variants of cannabis sativa plants grown in Mississippi.
  4. It shares some structural similarities with the mildly psychoactive Cannabinol (CBN).
  5. Cannabiglendol-C3 is also known as 8-OH-sisohexaliydrocannabinol

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Turner, C. E., Mole, M. L., Hanus, L., & Elsohly, H. N. (1981). Constituents of Cannabis sativa. XIX. Isolation and Structure Elucidation of Cannabiglendol, A Novel Cannabinoid From an Indian Variant. Journal of Natural Products, 44(1), 27–33. 

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About the Author - CBD Expert Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett Author
Dale Hewett

Dale Hewett is the owner and founder of New Phase Blends. He discovered his passion for CBD use after suffering from injuries sustained while on Active Duty in the US Army. His number one priority is introducing the same CBD products that he himself uses for relief to others who can benefit from them.

Dale holds a Master Degree of Science, and is the inventor of the popular, CBD-based sleep aid known as ‘Sleep.’ He’s given multiple lectures on CBD to institutions such as Cornell’s MBA student program, and Wharton’s School of Business.

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